Business Resources
Accounting & Taxes
Balance Sheet Template - A downloadable Excel file from Microsoft Office - You might need this if you do NOT have a bookkeeping system set up but you are applying for a business loan or commercial lease.
Personal Financial Statement of Assets & Liabilities - A downloadable Excel file from SCORE - You might need this when applying for a loan or commercial lease.
Federal & IRS
Received a notice from the IRS? The good news is you can probably do something about it! Talk with one of our business advisors if you have questions before calling the IRS. Have tax questions? Our business advisors can give general guidance and can let you know when you should consult a CPA or the IRS.
Start-Up Guide from the IRS -guide with a focus on tax compliance for small businesses and Independent Contractors.
IRS Handy Contact Page - if you need to call the IRS for a question related to your business.
IRS Small Business Resource Center - Videos and guides for all small businesses and self-employed individuals.
IRS Tax Calendar - Get the IRS tax calendar on your device and the calendar you use. Never miss a deadline again!
Oregon Work Share - Downsizing assistance
Accountants of Color - The purpose of this directory is to connect accountants who identify as Black, Indigenous or a person of color (BIPOC) to those opportunities by creating visibility and accessibility to all those featured here.
Business Impact NW’s Events - Free & low-cost trainings covering a variety of topics from marketing to bookkeeping.
MyFreeTaxes by United Way - File your taxes for free. Choose the filing option that works best for you.
Certificate of Compliance - If your business is registered to an address inside the City of Portland, you also need to register with the city for a Certificate of Compliance. Businesses with sales under $50,000 per year are exempt from city taxes but still need to register and renew annually.
Bureau of Development Services - If you are opening a brick-and-mortar location, you will need to work with the Bureau of Development Services for permitting & development.
Business Tax Numbers and When a Business Needs Them - Video from Oregon SOS
Livelihood NW provides these resources for informational purposes only and does not endorse, guarantee, or take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or opinions expressed by external sources. Users should independently verify any information before relying on it for business decisions.